

In my professional career, I have mentored thousands of families but my real journey, the journey that has led me here, was becoming a parent myself. When I had my first child, almost 20 years ago, I was like most new mothers, filled with optimism at how wonderful this journey would be. I was not prepared for the challenges that lay ahead and how those would make me feel. I certainly was most unprepared for the profound effect these challenges and confusing feelings would have on my own mental health and identity as a person.

My thoughts...

When a woman feels empowered in her birth experience, and has continuity of care during her transition to motherhood, this has a positive impact on her health and well-being - as well as on her relationship with her baby.

We are here to support women, and advocate their individual decisions on what they feel is best for them, and their families, based on their personal circumstances and the information available.

We know that trying to find the information, without getting bogged down in a lot of conflicting and unhelpful opinion, is not always straightforward or easy which is why we've created this video content, with transcripts, and links to relevant resources that cut through the noise and provide the foundation from which you can decide what's going to be right for you and your family.

Welcoming your baby into your family is about a lot more than 'labour, birth and feeding'; we can absolutely support you with the subconscious and energetic work required for optimal preparation to birth and parenting, AND...

Being informed supports empowered decision making which is the foundation on which you can build your birth and beyond preparation from.

We're excited to support you on your journey!